Friday, June 24, 2011

SharePoint databases report ‘Database is in compatibility range and upgrade is recommended’ after upgrade - Paul Grimleys Blog

SharePoint databases report ‘Database is in compatibility range and upgrade is recommended’ after upgrade - Paul Grimleys Blog

Repost from Paul's site:

Following on from previous blog and day 2 of upgrade found some of the databases were reporting the following error:
Database is in compatibility range and upgrade is recommended
This was appearing on non content databases (as in SharePoint system databases).
This seemed strange as I mentioned in my previous blog that the upgrade had been successful so was a little perplexed to find this issue.
After a little research there didn't seem to be anything that looked to answer my problem.
Although this blog was referring to Windows 7 it was interesting in helping my trail of thought and also made me aware that you can only upgrade content databases and not just standard SharePoint system databases using PowerShell
Another article relating to this was found here where no solution had actually been found (at the time of blogging)
So concluding that I could only upgrade content databases the above did not help in resolving the issue.
The two databases in question were:
Database – Type
WSS_Search - SPSearchDatabase
WSS_UsageApplication - SPUsageDatabase
I finally managed to resolve the problem by running a b2b upgrade command:
PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures
Credit to this blog ( for pointing out the b2b command as I was having issues running this prior to finding this.