Friday, July 30, 2010

Slow performance when you use a mapped drive to copy files to a remote server from a Windows Server 2003-based computer

Slow performance when you use a mapped drive to copy files to a remote server from a Windows Server 2003-based computer: "Slow performance when you use a mapped drive to copy files to a remote server from a Windows Server 2003-based computer"

Also this can help too YMMV

1. Open an elevated command prompt and press Enter:

netsh int ip set global taskoffload=disabled

2. Disable and re-enable the network interface.

3. Run the following command in an elevated command prompt to confirm the command above is successful:

netsh int ip show offload

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The User Profile Service service failed the Logon

Receiving the error at login or via rdp:
The User Profile Service service failed the Logon
User Profile Cannot Be Loaded

More info:

Warning User Profile General Event ID 1509

Windows cannot copy file C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\CmdletSqmData3700_100.sqm to location C:\Users\TEMP\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\CmdletSqmData3700_100.sqm. This error may be caused by network problems or insufficient security rights.

DETAIL - Access is denied.


change the security permissions on the file to inherit and remove the pre-existing permissions.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time Zone unrecognized after running WMIC command - Ask the Performance Team - Site Home - TechNet Blogs

Time Zone unrecognized after running WMIC command

Like Tony the Tiger says, grrrrreeaaaatttt!!! It wouldn't be so great if I had found this BEFORE i ran this command on oh I don't know 50 servers...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Carrabba's Copycat Original Recipes - Recipe Swap




Carrabba's Copycat/Original Recipes - Recipe Swap

Problem Steps Recorder!!!


This is freaking cool!

wevtutil, my new favorite toy

the other day I linked on wevtutil. once you get used to using it.. . the thing rocks!

One other thing, I cheat hardcore with this tool. If you use the event log to build your query then copy the filter string to the command line you're golden and have less heartburn.

For example, I want to create a query to pull out capi2 errors with an event id of 513 out of the application log, and I only want the previous 24 hours.

so how do you do it. . . . .Times up. here's the easy way:

Open the event log click on the application log and in the right pane select filter current log

Select from the logged drop down box : last 24 hours
In event sources: select CAPI2
Type the event number 513 in teh all event ids field

Wait!!! no!!! don't click okay!

Click the xml tab, notice anything interesting?
--------------- snippet
*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2'] and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= 86400000]]]

Looking good right? Nope we got to change one piece, < this needs to be changed to < the less than sign. So now we take this wonderfully formated text and add it to our wevtutil command wevtutil qe Application /q:"*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2'] and (Level=1 ) and (EventID=513) and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= 86400000]]]" /c:1 /f:text /rd:True

You'll notice that I added some switches too, like /c:1. What I was looking for was if it happened at all in the past 24 hours show me only one. I was using it to trigger an alert to have an engineer look into the issue.

also /rd:true = Reverse direction aka newest first.

Friday, July 16, 2010

If I tweeted...

I left my robe and wizard hat at the frigging cleaners so I can't read minds.

Stupid is as stupid does

I'd love to bitch about some stupid people right now. I really can't because I think it'd make me stupid too.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

WEvtUtil Scripting - Windows Security Logging and Other Esoterica - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

WEvtUtil Scripting

Using WEVTUTIL to Manage Event Logs

Windows 2008 Server System Writer is Missing

Error CAPI2 513 Application LOG

Cryptographic Services failed while processing the OnIdentity() call in the System Writer Object.

AddCoreCsiFiles : BeginFileEnumeration() failed.

System Error:
Access is denied.


Run this:
cd /d c:\windows\system32
icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\* > C:\acls.txt

IF this fails then run:
Takeown /f %windir%\winsxs\filemaps /a
icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps /grant "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(RX)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps /grant "NT Service\trustedinstaller:(F)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps /grant "BUILTIN\Users:(RX)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps /grant "Administratoren:(RX)"
Takeown /f %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\* /a
icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\*.* /grant "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(RX)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\*.* /grant "NT Service\trustedinstaller:(F)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\*.* /grant "BUILTIN\Users:(RX)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\*.* /grant "Administrators:(RX)"
Takeown /f %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames /a
icacls %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames /grant "Administrators:(RX)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames /grant "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(RX)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames /grant "NT Service\trustedinstaller:(F)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames /grant "BUILTIN\Users:(RX)"
Takeown /f %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames\*.* /a
icacls %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames\*.* /grant "Administrators:(RX)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames\*.* /grant "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(RX)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames\*.* /grant "NT Service\trustedinstaller:(F)"
icacls %windir%\winsxs\temp\PendingRenames\*.* /grant "BUILTIN\Users:(RX)"

Monday, July 12, 2010

How to troubleshoot LDAP over SSL connection problems

How to troubleshoot LDAP over SSL connection problems

How to create a Central Store for Group Policy Administrative Templates in Window Vista

How to create a Central Store for Group Policy Administrative Templates in Window Vista

These articles describes how to use the new .admx and .adml files to create and to administer registry-based policy settings in Windows Vista. This article also explains how the Central Store is used to store and to replicate Windows Vista policy files in a domain environment.

Sunday, July 4, 2010